About us

Why we do what we do 

I (MJ) got my first Auggie Monte when I was 16 years old. I immediately knew he was different than any dog that I had ever had. He was extremely intelligent quickly learning anything I wanted to teach him. He was the highlight of my life and truly the best dog that I have ever had. He sadly ran away and despite our best efforts he still to this day hasn’t been found. Losing him was one of the worst things I have ever gone through but there was light at the end of the tunnel when I got Apollo. Although he wasn’t Monte he further instilled in me how amazing the Corgi breed really is. Once my cousin (lex) met him and having known Monte she fell in love with the breed as well. Together we decided to get Vega (Monte's niece) and start Corgis of the Cosmos in hopes that our pups would bring others as much joy as they have brought us and to help keep Monte’s legacy alive. 
